Terms of use

The contracting party of the second party...

These general conditions of use regulate the access and use of the various content and services included or accessible through these Websites http://www.maomaofilms.com and https://setlifeindustries.com developed by SETLIFE MEDIA S.L.U. hereinafter: SETLIFE. The Company is of Spanish nationality and its registered office is at Torrente (Valencia), Avd Joan Carles I, 16, constituted by Public Deed of Incorporation, made by the Notary Mr. JUAN MONTERO-RÍOS GIL on 12/28/2020 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of VALENCIA TOMO 10923, BOOK 8201, FOLIO 179, SHEET V-196134 (01.19.21)

By the mere use of the Website you acquire the condition of user thereof. The use of the Website and any of its services implies your acceptance as a user of each and every one of these general conditions as well as the particular conditions that, where appropriate, govern the use of the Website or the services linked to it.

MAO MAO reserves the right to unilaterally modify the presentation and configuration of the Website, as well as the corresponding services and the conditions required for its use, without deriving any right of compensation in favor of the user.

User obligations.
The user undertakes, in general, to use the Website as well as the services linked to it diligently, in accordance with the law, morals, public order and the provisions of these general conditions and in the particular ones that may be of application, and must also refrain from using them in any way that may impede the normal operation and enjoyment by users of the Website and the services linked to it, or that could injure or cause damage to the property and rights of SETLIFE, its suppliers, users or, in general, any third party.

More in particular, but without this enumeration limiting the general scope of the obligation provided in the previous paragraph, the user undertakes, in the use of the Website and the services linked to it, to:

(a) Not to introduce, store or disseminate through the Website or through any of the services linked to it any computer program, data, virus, code, or any other instrument or electronic device that is likely to cause damage to the site web, in any of the services linked to it or in any equipment, systems or networks of SETLIFE, of any user, of its suppliers or in general of any third party, or that is otherwise capable of causing any type of alteration or prevent its normal operation.

(b) Not to use false identities, or impersonate others when using the Website or any of the services linked to it, including the use of passwords or access codes of third parties or in any other way.

(c) Do not hide or falsify in any way the origin of email messages, not intercept, delete or modify the email messages of other users, or send mass mail messages.

(d) Not to destroy, alter, disable or damage the data, information, programs or electronic documents of SETLIFE, its suppliers or third parties.

(e) Not to use the contents and in particular the information obtained through the Website to send advertising, send messages for sales purposes or for any other commercial purpose, or to collect or store personal data of third parties.

Intellectual and industrial property.
The user acknowledges that all the elements of the Website and each of the services provided through it, the information and materials contained therein, the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents and the computer programs used in relationship with it are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights of the SETLIFE itself or of third parties. Unless authorized by SETLIFE or, where appropriate, by the third party owners of the corresponding rights, or unless this is legally permitted, the user may not reproduce, transform, modify, disassemble, reverse engineer, distribute, rent, provide, make available or allow access to the public through any form of public communication of any of the elements referred to in the previous paragraph. The user must use the materials, elements and information accessed through the use of the Website and each of the corresponding services solely for their own needs, committing themselves not to carry out, directly or indirectly, a commercial or commercial exploitation. services or the materials, elements and information obtained through them. The user must refrain from deleting the identifying signs of the rights (of intellectual, industrial or any other property) of SETLIFE or of the third parties that appear on the Website and in each of the various services offered through it. Likewise, the user must refrain from circumventing or manipulating any technical devices established by SETLIFE or by third parties, either on the Website, in any of the services or in any of the materials, elements or information obtained through it, in order to the protection of your rights.

The user consents that SETLIFE may send him commercial communications referring to products or services, own or of third parties, of the sectors of service sectors that suit his profile, even electronically, the user may request at any time the termination of sending such communications. To do this, the user may contact SETLIFE by email, reliably confirming their identity or unsubscribe from the newsletters or communications service of Agenciafreak.com by filling in the unsubscribe form that will always be accessed on the web now. through a link in all communications.

Exclusion of guarantees and exemption from liability.
SETLIFE undertakes to carry out all necessary efforts to guarantee the availability and continuity of the Website as well as the services linked to it. However, SETLIFE cannot guarantee that the Website and the services linked to it will function correctly at all times, that the user can access and use them quickly, uninterruptedly and free of errors. In the same way, SETLIFE does not grant any guarantee regarding the suitability and content of the Website or of any of the services linked to it for the satisfaction of the specific needs of the user. Consequently, the information contained in this Website by itself does not constitute a contractual offer. SETLIFE will act diligently according to the general uses accepted in the sector to avoid the presence on the Website or in any of the services linked to it of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause alterations in the user’s computer system, in their electronic documents or in its files, but it cannot guarantee the absence of such elements, not being responsible for the damages that this could cause. SETLIFE does not control, nor does it own, nor guarantee the accuracy, quality, veracity, reliability or suitability of the information and services provided or provided by third parties through the Website. Similarly, it does not control and does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements in the content or services provided or provided by third parties through the Website. SETLIFE does not guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy or veracity of the content and services available on sites owned or managed by third parties that the user can access through technical link devices (“links”) from the Website, whether they are hypertext or those corresponding to «banners», images or of any kind. SETLIFE does not control the content of these websites, nor does it offer or market the products and services available on the websites linked in this way, nor does it assume any responsibility for them.

Contract resolution.
Without prejudice to liability for damages that may arise, SETLIFE may, immediately and without prior notice, resolve and terminate its relationship with the user, interrupting their access to the Website or its corresponding services, if detects a use of the same or of any of the services linked to it contrary to the general or particular conditions that are applicable. The user will be liable for damages of any kind that SETLIFE or any of its subsidiaries may suffer directly or indirectly, as a consequence of the breach of any of the obligations derived from the general or particular conditions in relation to the use of the Website or of any of the services linked to it. Likewise, the user will hold SETLIFE and its subsidiaries harmless from any sanction, claim or lawsuit that may be filed by a third party, including any public bodies, against SETLIFE, its employees or agents as a result of the violation of any third party rights by said user through the use of the Website or the services linked to it in a manner contrary to the provisions of the general or particular conditions that may be applicable.

Applicable law and jurisdiction.
These general conditions are governed by Spanish law. SETLIFE and the user, expressly waiving another jurisdiction, submit to that of the Courts and Tribunals of the user’s address for any controversy that may arise from the use of the website or the services linked to it. In the event that the user is domiciled outside of Spain, SETLIFE and the user submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the courts of the city of Madrid (Spain).

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